GJar Internationalised 1.0.4

Last update 2010-04-14

GJar is a simple GUI tool to create JAR files.
The original project is developed by Daniel Kjellin;

Note: At the moment his last release (source only) is the 0.1 on September 3, 2006).
As specified on dev.java.net site by D. K. himself:
"Please note that the 'lack' of development on this project is due to the fact
that it is 'completed' it has all the originally intended features, and no known bugs.
If you would like to see more features, do not hesitate to let me know!"

This is a multilanguage version of GJar.
It supports DRAG and DROP, directory recursion (original features), 2 LAF etc...
Actually it supports two language (IT/EN), but can be easily extended.
Since version 1.0.3 it can unpack jar files to join them into one!
Please, see internal help (Menu -> ? -> Help) for more details about adding jar files
with or without unpacking them.



Any OS where JAVA(TM)(C) 1.4 or greater can run!


GJar Internationalised is GPL licensed as the original software, its source code is available on SF site.

Download latest release


Thank you for using GJar-int (and all the Open Source Software..!). You can contact me at


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